A Man's Guide to Choosing Eyeglasses Online according to Face Shape

When deciding between glasses or contacts, though, men also have to consider which option they feel is the most convenient for them in everyday situations. If they always find themselves in a hurry to get to work, they can easily slip on their glasses on the way to the office; however, they can't do the same with contact lens. Most contact lens today need to be changed every one or two years, while eyeglasses can last for a longer period or until there's a change in the prescription. Men can also now easily purchase eyeglasses online. Once you’ve opted to wear glasses, the next step is to check out stylish options when it comes to eyeglasses frames for men to find out which one best suits your face shape so you can look your personal best. RealMenRealStyle.com offers a few suggestions. For instance, men with round faces will find flat, rectangular frames that make their faces appear longer and thinner, while those with square faces will look stylish and chic in rounded lenses.
